Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How to uninstall AB Hide Folder?


Method 1:
Run AB Hide Folder
Menu->Tool->Uninstall AB Hide Folder

Method 2:
Run windows in safe mode, search and delete fhesrv32.exe

Q: The reason I am not considering using a AB Hide Folder is that i am afraid i will defrag my hard disk and forget to "unhide" the files, and they will be erased.

A: Use defrag program will never make folder/file lost, because AB Hide hide folder/hide folder by hook windows system service in the lower layer. The defrag program can not erase the folder/file.

Q: How to make others does not know there is AB Hide Folder in my computer?

A: You may delete shortcuts of AB Hide Folder in Desktop & Start Menu. After that you can start our software by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H. Deleting these shortcuts does not affect our software.

Q: I forget my entrance password, how can I do?

A: Please download to resolve your problem.

Q: Why can't I enable hiding again by clicking [Disable Hiding]?

A: Because your 30 day trial has expired. You must pay for a registration for continuing use.

Q: Why I see my hidden folder after I change my system date?

A: Because you are using an evaluation version, and this version is only in effect in 30 days after installing. Please pay for a registration for resolving this problem.

Q: What happens after I send in the order?

A: You will receive an e-mail confirming your order shortly after sending the online order form. Then, within 24 hours, you will receive a second e-mail with your registration name, code, and instructions to register the program!



If you have any questions, please feel free let us know at


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